+31(0)30 888 78 77 | +32(0) 9 274 0325


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Office Belgium

Fairs Consult Belgium BV
Maaltekouter 1
9051 Ghent

T   +32(0)9 274 03 25
E   info@fairsconsult.com

Office The Netherlands

Fairs Consult Netherlands BV
Schoudermantel 9
3981 AE  Bunnik
The Netherlands

T +31(0)30 888 78 77
E info@fairsconsult.com

Meet the team

The devoted people behind Second Home!

Jette van Hal

Marketing Executive Second Home Group

+31(0)30 888 78 77
+31(0)6 36 51 32 76

Henkjan Prins

Managing Director Second Home Group

+31(0) 30 888 78 77
+31(0) 6 14 49 62 18

Tom van den Brink

Sales Manager Second Home Group

+31(0) 30 888 78 77
+31(0) 6 4247 5131

Vincent Peek

Marketing Manager Second Home Group

+31(0) 30 888 78 77
+31(0) 6 4343 5505

Willeke van Kouwen

Sales Second Home Group

+31(0)30 888 78 77
+31(0)6 22 73 97 47

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