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Manual exhibitors Antwerp, BE

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Second Home Expo > Manual exhibitors Antwerp, BE

Exhibitors manual edition Second Home Antwerp

Order your furniture

Do you need tables, chairs, plants or other services for your stand or participation? All product will be delivered at your stand. 

Fill in all information

For your participation we require some essential information. Please provide us the correct information in time!

Promote your participation

Do you want to invite customers or prospects to the show? You can invite people very easy with your personal url. 

Login to your personal account

Welcome as an exhibitor to Second Home Expo! Make sure you first login to your personal Second Home online account, to check your company information. This information will be presented to your future buyers. What else can you find here?

  • Company profile page – Please check if all your company information is complete
  • Participation information – Please check the country/countries listed, your communication name (exhibitors list) and your name on the stand (only for standard stand types).
  • Register your staff  to receive your exhibitors badges at the check-in
  • Online properties – Add your properties manually or through an XML file, so buyers can orientate online before visiting the show. When you register, we will add €100 credits to your account.

If you receive an information request on your property or if a visitor registers through your invitation link, you automatically receive an email alert. This way you can have full control en get in contact as quick as possible. The login email address will also be used to update you with leads and visitor registrations.

Login through THIS LINK with your email and password. Forgot your password, just click on the link to reset your password.

Free tickets - personal ticket URL

Free entry tickets for visitors are unlimited available for all exhibitors. At the promotion page you can download THIS BANNER to attach your URL. If relations register through your link, you will automatically receive an update. All registered visitors through your URL can be found on your Second Home account (1) with the option to export these contacts.  

Simply place THIS BANNER on your website, social media and your newsletter to announce your presence to your future buyers and relations. Now your participation starts directly, as you can contact these visitors straight away.  Tip, let partners also use this link as registered visitors will go directly into your database on your Second Home account (1).

Optimize your participation and invite your relations starting: 1) 2 months prior to the show (parallel with the start of the visitors promotion campaign), 2) 1 month before the show and 3) 2 weeks before the show. All registered visitors will be neutrally informed through the organization and you can check in your Second Home account if these relations actually visited the show, as we scan all tickets and update the system real time. A succes is never guaranteed, but using all available tools you will get close to it! 

The normal entry price is 15 EUR per person and through online registration 10 EUR per person. Only visitors that register through exhibitors and partners will receive a free entry ticket. 

Rent materials - WEBSHOP

Order all stand decorations online to optimize your participation though the webshop. Avoid a late order fee of 30% for all orders within 3 weeks before the show.

PLEASE NOTE you can order your furniture until one week before the show, in the last week and at the location it’s not (longer) possible to order any furniture!!

Optimize your participation with various products like furniture, plants, audio & video, internet etc. All products are available through the webshop CLICK HERE.  All ordered products will be placed on your stand and the rental prices are for the full exhibition period. 

Do's & Don'ts


  • invite as many people as possible with unlimited free tickets!
  • add your personal ticket banner on your website
  • offer visitors a local snack (alcoholic tasting allowed)
  • create a unique, accessible and inviting stand
  • use all your social media channels
  • organize a special promotion or competition, present a give-away
  • avoid waiting times and come check in the day before opening
  • order furniture and prints at least 3 weeks before opening


  • visitors’ biggest annoyances: too pushy approach
  • keep aisles completely clear and limit noise disturbance
  • don’t stand in the aisles but approach from your stand
  • avoid an empty stand or long conversations with your staff
  • banners, signs, furniture etc. keep everything in your stand
  • exhibitors’ biggest annoyance: too early build off, respect your colleagues and avoid € 500 penalty

Built-up times - opening hours


  • 08:00 – 19:00 Organization present at check-in office
  • 08:00 – 19:00 Build-up exhibitors with their own stand structure
  • 15:00 – 19:00 Build-up exhibitors with truss and standard stand structure


  • 07:30 – 19:00 Organization present at check-in office
  • 07:30 – 09:30 Build-up all exhibitors
  • 10:00 – 17:00 Show open for visitors
  • 17:00 – 19:00 EXHIBITORS DRINK


  • 08:30 – 20:00 Organization present at check-in office
  • 09:00 – 10:00 Entry exhibitors
  • 10:00 – 17:00 Show open for visitors
  • 17:00 – 22:00 Break-down all exhibitors (standard stands must be cleared out)


  • 08:00 – 12:00 Organization present at check-in office
  • 08:00 – 12:00 Break-down exhibitors with their own stand.
    Not for exhibitors with standard stand structure!

Prints & measurements wall panels

We offer you the possibility to order prints. CLICK HERE for examples. Please take into account that the print files must be delivered on time to guarantee the production. The deadline is 3 weeks prior to the start of the exhibition. Delivery specifications BY THIS LINK.

Storage and reinstallation for your future participation at Second Home Expo is possible, when you are registered for upcoming shows. Just inform us which materials and we can inform you about the price. 

If you want to use posters for standard stand construction, please use these WALL PANEL MEASUREMENTS. It’s not allowed to drill, nail or staple into the wall panels. And be aware of fixing material (for example glue or double sided tape) that causes any damage (or adhesive residue). Wall panels have to be left behind clean, cleaning costs (€ 39,00 per panel) will be charged!

We advise the TESA powerstrips to attach posters, to avoid damaging the wall panels. You can buy these stickers at the organizations office.

You can order prints via the webshop. To order a back wall visual for a truss construction, please contact your exhibition manager.

Floor plan - Exhibitors list

All information in the online exhibitors list will automatically be used for the printed visitors catalogue. Make sure to check your company name, website link and listed country (or countries). Changes can be made up to 3 weeks before the start of the show, in order to have the same information in the printed catalogue. Detailed company information on your company profile page and the countries listed can be added or changed by yourself after login on your Second Home account. Please note that it’s your own responsibility to check this on time. If you mark a country, you are obliged to have properties in this country!

Check the exhibitors list here

You can find the realtime floor plan Antwerp BY THIS LINK

BIV - Belgian federations of real estate professionals

Real estate agents selling “properties from somebody else” need to apply for a temporary BIV number. The Second Home organization can guide you through the registration process for the Second Home Expo shows in Belgium.

To start we ask you for 2 documents:

  1. The application document BIV Dutch and French 
  2. A copy of proof of your professional liability insurance. If you don’t have this insurance the Second Home organization can offer you this through AXA *. 
  3. Copy ID
  4. Registration document from your origin country. 

If you have both, please apply directly to the BIV at info@biv.be.

If you would like to apply for the insurance through us, please send the application BIV document and a copy ID to info@fairsconsult.com. After this step, the applicant will receive a confirmation of the insurance coverage and an invoice of € 200. This invoice needs to be paid immediately, as the coverage is only confirmed after payment. 

The applicant declares that the provided information is correct and acknowledges that Fairs Consult cannot be held liable for inaccurate information. More information regarding the BIV is available in Dutch through this link or at www.biv.be.

Please find more information about the temporary BIV number and the application below:

Check-in exhibitors

Second Home check-in procedure:

1) When you arrive at Antwerp Expo, please first report at the organization office for check-in, we like to personally welcome you. Coffee or tea is available for all exhibitors;

2) All payments are due before the start of the start of the show. We can only process payments for late ordered furniture or other services. It is only possible to pay cash, by debit card or credit card. Note: there is a surcharge of 5% credit card costs;

3) One week before the show we send you a registration link, once you have filled this in a QR code is generated by which you can print the badges yourself at the organization office.

Note: You will not receive any information by post at your office!


Antwerp Expo offers free unlimited wireless internet, no rights can be derived to this free service. The quality and speed of this WiFi HotSpot connection is highly dependent on the total use and occupancy.

For a faster and more stable Internet connection, we advise you to order a wireless modem with unlimited internet for 3 days: ORDER CLICK HERE


Hostess service - stand crew

“A smile is the prettiest thing a hostess can wear”

Energy! That’s what you need at an exhibition. Pro-active hostesses who create a nice atmosphere, attract attention and create ‘rumor around the brand’. After all, you want to great the best experience, right?

Generate more traffic to your stand or just a friendly welcome! Our hosts and hostesses are extensively trained and briefed to generate more attention at trade fairs and events.

Contact your exhibition manager for a detailed proposal!

Route & Parking Hall 4

The exhibition is organized in Hall 4 at Antwerp Expo: Jan van Rijswijcklaan 191, 2020 Antwerpen, België (BE). 

From Brussels via the E19: exit 5a ‘Antwerpen-Centrum’ – turn left at the traffic lights, follow direction Singel-Zuid. Follow – at the second traffic lights turn left onto Jan van Rijswijcklaan.
From Ghent via the E17: take exit 5 ‘Wilrijk/Berchem’ on the ring road – then turn right twice.
From Breda, Hasselt or Turnhout: follow the ring road towards Brussels – then take exit no. 5 ‘Wilrijk’ –
at the traffic lights you will see the arrow Antwerp expo in front of you – pass the Crowne Plaza Hotel on the left.


Book your hotel

Exposing rhymes with little sleep – okay yes, figuratively.
So why not book a hotel nearby? With a fresh head and a hearty breakfast, you’ll be good to go. Book your hotel room at Crown Plaza here!

If you want to enjoy the beautiful city centre of Antwerp, you can book a hotel in the centre. Public transport is easily accessible. Book your hotel through Bookings.com and find all available options.


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